Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Introduction~

Hello I’m Manda. I’m presently a junior in high school and I have been dressing in the lolita style for over 9 months being interested in the fashion for over 2 years. I lean towards Classical and Gothic styles, but I have been known to do a little bit of everything.  I like getting the most out of my dollar while looking stylish and elegant. I enjoy sewing and altering items to my taste.

What should you expect?

A lot of Polyvore coordinates, loli-able finds, and tips on how to save money in your lolita.  Hopefully I will be able to post some sewing and DIY tutorials.  I have numerous lolita friends whom also have lolita related blogs, so a collab may or may not be in the works.   

Basically I’m here to help to you save a little cash in your lolita wardrobe so you can buy your big dream pieces and not worry about how much you spent on your staple items.
photo taken by Emily of Reves de Secreries

I promise that my future posts will be more relevant and informative if you follow my blog! I swear!